We are pleased to announce, we will be taking part Malaysia KLIAV 2022 audio show from 28th~30th Oct 2022.
This year we will be showing our new range of products in three different rooms.
Function room: Lotus
Sources: J. Sikora reference TT, Cary Audio DMS700 streamer, Mcintosh MCD12000 SACD/CD player Electronics: McIntosh C12000 preamp, MC3500 MkII tube power amplifier (350 watts x 2)
Speaker: Borresen 05 Silver Supreme, Cabling and power distribution: Ansuz AcousticsRacking
HRS SXR and EXR racks
Room 601
Experience the most musical performance from this Borresen speaker driven by Aavik electronics bridge by Ansuz cabling.
We are at Room 601, Intercontinental Hotel KL on the 28th – 30th October.
Room 603
Big, bold and dynamic sound, yet subtle and detailed. Audiovector QR7 and R3 arreté Speakers, McIntosh MCT500 transport, C8 tube preamp, MC830 power ampAnsuz cabling and power distribution Roon streaming via C8 DA2 module.
See you at the show.